Saturday, October 11, 2008


Now that I'm back to commuting, I've started to get back in the habit of listening to podcasts on the bus in addition to at home. Here's what I'm listening to right now:

All Songs Considered
The Weekly Scrabbler (yes, I'm a huge nerd)
This American Life
Savage Love

What do you listen to? I'm always looking for new stuff... I have 90 minutes to two hours of commute time every day, depending on how things go, so I still have a lot of time to kill!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another foot update...

By special request, I'm posting an update on my broken foot. :-)

I've been to two physical therapy visits, and I'm making good progress. The biggest change is that I'm done with the crutches! I've downgraded to an old-lady cane, and I'm allowed to wear sneakers instead of the big black boot, which is a lovely change of pace.

The bad news is that I've really been forced to start building my muscles again, and as a result my foot, ankle, and calf are really sore right now. I'm also getting around much more slowly than I had been--I'd gotten really efficient at crutches, and I'm not so efficient at walking normally.

I'm taking the bus to work again, which is a huge relief to AB (he had been giving me rides to and from work several times a week). It also saves me about $100 a week on taxi fares.

Anyway, that's the update!